Write while the iron is hot.

WP Scratchpad is a Chrome extension for quickly and easily creating draft posts on your WordPress site, no matter where you are on the web. It lives in your browser bar so that whenever inspiration for a blog post strikes, you can quickly jot down the idea, provide any relevant links, save the post as a draft and get back to browsing. All in just a few clicks and without having to log in to your WordPress site!

Your security is our priority.

This is a browser extension that works inside your browser. Neither your post ideas nor WordPress credentials ever leave your hands — and you can revoke the extension's access to WordPress at any time.

What you'll need:

  • A publicly-accessible WordPress site (we don't support localhost, *.local, *.test, or sites behind a firewall right now)

  • The WordPress REST API endpoints accessible and not blocked by any security plugins or firewalls (the REST API ships as part of WP Core, so if you're unsure, you probably have it enabled)

  • HTTPS enabled (we want to make sure the connection between the Chrome extension and your WordPress site is secure)

  • The latest version of the JWT-Auth plugin installed and activated (don't worry if you don't have this yet, this is part of the Getting Started Guide)

  • The latest version of WP Scratchpad downloaded from the Chrome Web Store and activated in your browser (we'll cover this in the Getting Started Guide as well.)

Never lose a great idea again.

Whenever inspiration strikes, jot down the idea, provide any relevant links, save the post as a draft and get back to browsing.

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